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Timeshare Sales


Being a well established resort there are no new timeshares for purchase at The Moorings.


There are some secondhand shares, known as resales available.


And It makes good sense to buy a resale share at The Moorings.


You get all the benefits of owning timeshare for  a fraction of the original purchase.


Explore all the above links for information about timeshare and how to use your timeshare for maximum benefit.


Then contact our authorised representative for more information.

Mr Dan Wilson, The Moorings Developments Ltd.

ACN: 002816935

AFS Licence No: 244540
Phone : 0412 623 952 

Dan can also be contacted via our contact page 



The Moorings Resort is now a smoke free resort. This includes no smoking on unit verandas or the resort grounds.

Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday - 9am to 5pm 
Friday - 9am to 6pm Friday
Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 12 noon 

The Moorings Resort 
2152 George Bass Drive Tomakin NSW 2537

Phone : (02) 4471 7500

Email :  

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